Welcome to Year 1

Who are we?

We are 5 and 6 year old's in the first class of Key Stage 1.

In Year 1, we are continuing to learn and build upon the skills learned in Early Years. We are learning to become more independent and develop our skills and knowledge.

We learn through practical and written activities that are planned to meet the National Curriculum (2014) objectives. Creative learning opportunities are delivered within a topic, which changes every half term. 

We take every opportunity to use the outdoor learning spaces to enhance and support our learning.

Who Teaches Us?

Mrs Houghton is our teacher.

Mrs Lawrence teaches the class on a Monday afternoon, Thursday and Friday morning.

Mrs Pietruszka  is our the teaching assistant in the morning and Miss Richardson in the afternoons.

Mrs Scoulas & Mrs Jefferson provide additional support too.

Homework and Reading

Every Friday, we will receive new reading books, a spelling list and a homework task. These need to be returned to school on a Tuesday. Spellings will be tested in school and children will be read with frequently. Homework tasks consolidate the learning from class. If you have any questions about a task, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Year 1 team.


On our P.E. days we can come to school dressed in our P.E. uniform.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, queries or concerns please do not hesitate to approach a member of the Year 1 team in person, by phone or by the Year 1 email account.

Useful information

Homework given out

Please hand in

Tuesday (P.E.)

Reading books

Spelling books

Weekly homework
Friday  (P.E)

Reading Books

Weekly homework

New Spellings


Year 1 Topics

Autumn 1 - Changing and Growing

Autumn 2 - Toy Time Travelers

Spring 1 -  Welcome to Pirate Island

Spring 2 - Heroes

Summer 1 & 2  - Castles