Welcome to Year 3

Who are we?

We are 7 and 8 year old pupils and the first class in Key Stage 2. Throughout Year 3, we begin to take greater responsibility for our learning and ourselves. We are encouraged to develop our thinking and investigative skills to help us to learn and discover things on our own.

Who teaches us?

Miss Strachan is our class teacher. 

Miss Bloomfield teaches us on a Thursday morning.

Miss Bowers is our teaching assistant.

Mrs Sanders provides additional support

What do we do?

In Year 3, we work with greater independence and increasing confidence. We are also expected to share our thoughts and ideas and to take responsibility for others. We help to look after some of the younger children in school and at the end of the year we look forward to meeting our ‘buddies’ in the Nursery class and introducing them to the main part of the school.

Our topics this year are:

Autumn Term – Food, Glorious Food!, Extreme Earth

Spring Term – Stones and Bones, The Romans

Summer Term – Digging deep, Brilliant Brazil  



Useful Information

Homework given out Please hand in
Monday (PE)
Tuesday  New Spellings

Spelling Books

Weekly Homework

Thursday (PE)
Friday Weekly Homework

Stone Age Re-creation

We were transported back to between mesolithic and neolithic times this week, as we extended our understanding of life during the Stone Age. Den building, learning about tools, making fire and tasting a drink from 5000 years ago were all on the agenda. 

Autumn Term

We're having a busy term learning new skills in PE with the game lacrosse; finding out about the food we eat and building a game using the Kodu programme.

Visit to the Centre for Life